About Us

The Planning, Design, and Construction Management division of The Department of Facilities assists with navigating through the processes necessary to effectively complete a project in a MSU Denver building (HLC, SSB, RAC, and AES).  The Construction Manager can assist with the management and professional services required to facilitate and accomplish new construction, renovations, and infrastructure.  The Construction Manager will monitor the project from inception to closeout, including assistance with the review of design/scope of a project, coordinating the bidding process, procuring consulting services, and maintaining contracts, budgets and schedules.  The Construction Manager ensures all projects adhere to all State building code, policies and procedures and is the connection to the Office of the State Architecture

When is a Construction Manager needed?

  • Proposed additions, modernizations or renovations, changes in mechanical, electrical or plumbing services or any exterior alternations require a Construction Manager.  To move forward with your project please contact the Department at facilities@msudenver.edu for inquiries.
  • If you are interested in an addition, modernization, renovation or any type of change to your space and are merely interested in potential costs before moving forward with your project the Construction Manager can assist with project estimating.  If you would like to obtain project estimating services please the Department at facilities@msudenver.edu.